Peperomia Rosso Care. This plant is a beautiful houseplant that grows in South Africa and Africa. It is grown as a houseplant where it is loved for its beautiful red and dark green leaves.

Peperomia Rosso plant profile
The Peperomia Rosso plant is an eye-catcher because of its red color on the underside of the leaf.
The top surface is dark green. The top leaves also can be the blush of red, and dark green veins.
The plant normally blooms under 11 hours of light.
The leaves of the plant grow in a rosette formation. The stems are red.
Common name
The plant has scientific name Peperomia ‘Eden Rosso’ or Peperomia caperata ‘Rosso’ or Peperomia Rosso. The common name Emerald Ripple Pepper and radiator plant.
Growth and size
The Peperomia Rosso plant can reach about 8″ inches tall. The spread can reach 8″ inches wide.
The leaves can grow between 1″ to 1.5″ inch long.
The plant grows slowly. To speed up this plant’s growth rate, then the plant must receive more light (not direct sunlight). Fertilizing regularly may also help with the growth rate.
Peperomia Rosso plant is safe to grow around humans (especially children) and pets, they are non-toxic.
By the interesting look of the Peperomia Rosso plant, it is suitable to be grown as an indoor house plant. You can place in the living room as decor, bathroom, and bedroom. You can also place them in your office.
How to grow
Light requirement
The best light requirement for Peperomia Rosso plant is bright, indirect light.
The plant will not tolerate direct sun. It can receive morning and evening sun or partial sun.
You can place the plant under fluorescent lighting for indoor house plants.
The plant will have problems when not receiving enough light like the darkroom or getting very harsh, direct sunlight.
The leaves would turn to yellow, scorched leaves, experiencing slow growth, and can die.
The best soil for Peperomia Rosso plant is a well-draining potting mix that can keep some moisture.
An orchid mix, standard cactus or succulent potting mix will do well for the plant.
You can also mix 50% perlite and 50% peat moss. You can add gravel around the root for good air circulation.
The Peperomia Rosso plant tends to be root-bound.
Keep the soil acidity to between 6 to 6.6 pH.
The plant lives well in USDA hardiness zones 10a to 11b which is from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). The best temperature for these plants is between 55°F and 75°F.
Avoid the plant of being near cold drafts that can kill the plant. Place the plant in a rather constant temperature.
The Peperomia Rosso plant does not like to be in a dry air area. The best humidity for Peperomia Rosso is a house indoor environment around 40%-50% humidity.
You can give a high humidity to the plant by misting the whole plant. You can also set the pot in a gravel tray filled with water to keep the humidity level.
You may want to knock off the dust by misting the plant.
The best pot for Peperomia Rosso plant is plastic or terracotta pot or container with drainage holes. The holes will keep the soil keep away from an excess of water.
Do not place the Peperomia Rosso plant in a pot that is too large. A bigger pot will encourage the soil to stay wet too long. This may cause root rot.
How to care
The best fertilizer for the Peperomia Rosso plant would be a balance of 20-20-20 NPK formulated fertilizer. The plant will get the benefit of this fertilizer during its growing season.
The best time to feed the plant is in the spring months and summer months. Feed once per month in these months half the recommended strength.
The best if the fertilizer contains equal parts of nitrogen, potassium, and added iron.
You can also dilute the fertilizer to half strength and apply it every two weeks. You have to reduce the schedule to once a month in the fall and winter.
The best way to water the Peperomia Rosso is to water from its roots. You have to make sure that the soil should be dry before the plant is watered again.
Use your finger and stick it about 2 inches to the soil to make sure the soil is dry.
The best time to water this plant is in the spring months and summer months.
You can prevent the soil from getting too much salt by watering the plant under running water.
Do not water this Peperomia Rosso plant during the fall and winter.
The Peperomia Rosso plants should be pruned only to correct leggy, sparse growth. The best time to prune the plant is in Spring (not its growing season).
Prune the stems to help maximize the lush appearance. The pruning encourages more branching.
Remove the end of each stem. Remove also the first set of leaves. Pinching them off between your fingernails.
The best time to re-pot the Peperomia Rossoplant is when the plant begins to outgrow its pot or container.
When its time to re-pot, the plant needs to move a 2 inch larger pot. You can also re-pot when you notice the roots begin to grow through the drain holes.
You must do the repotting delicately since the plant has fragile, delicate roots and may damage easily.
How to propagate Peperomia Rosso
The best and easiest method to propagate the Peperomia Rosso is by stem cuttings.
Step 1
Cut off about 5 to 7 inches long stem with a couple of leaves.
Step 2
Prepare a clean and fresh potting soil in a pot with drainage holes.
Step 3
Dig a hole about 2 inches on top of the soil. Place the end of the stems in the hole.
Step 4
Firm up and compact the potting soil around the stems.
Keep the soil watered. Place the pot in a warm area with indirect, bright sunlight.
Step 5
You will notice new roots growth in about 30 to 45 days.
Pests and problems
Naturally, the Peperomia Rosso plant has no pests or disease or insect problems.
If the plant is weak, they may be susceptible to be infested by whitefly, spider mites, and mealybugs.
If the plant is being overwatered, spider mites and fungus gnats may be problematic to the plant.
You can fix this by watering the plant properly. To get rid of those insects, spray Neem oil or insecticidal soap.
Peperomia Rosso plant may get cucumber mosaic virus which causes ring spots. Once the plants are infected with this virus, there are no ways of controlling them.
All you have to do is to remove and destroy all the infected plants. You must begin disinfecting gardening tools that you use.
You can disinfect those tools by using 70% isopropyl alcohol. Dip those tools in the alcohol, then allow them to dry.
Another way is by wet a rag with alcohol and wipes the gardening tools down.
Extremes in temperature, overwatering and underwatering may also cause problems. Overwatering can cause root and crown rot.
If you plant the Peperomia Rosso outdoors, slugs and snails may be problematic.
A plant with poor conditions may have a leaf spot.