Philodendron Hope: Philodendron Selloum (Philodendron Bipinnatifidum). This is a beautiful, easy to care house plant that provides yearlong beauty with its interesting shape foliage and full silhouette.

The Philodendron Hope is a native to regions in South America including Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay. It is cultivated in subtropical, tropical, and warm temperate climates. Areas with a high level of water vapor in the atmosphere.
Profile of Philodendron Hope plant
[wptb id="3089" not found ]The Philodendron Hope or Bipinnatifidum plants are cultivated as a house plant in many countries including the Philippines, throughout Australia, the gulf coast and the east coast of the United States, such as Florida and California, South Africa, and northern New Zealand.
This plant can filter Xylene and Toluene toxins in the air and improve overall air quality. Both Xylene and Toluene may cause irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. It also may cause systemic toxicity by inhalation.
Philodendron Hope is easy to care to plant and a fabulous choice for a lush indoor floor plant. It would fill the landscape space with a touch of tropical beauty.
The plant can get about 4 feet tall by 4 feet wide. This plant does best in hardiness zone USDA Zone 10. You can keep it in a pot or container and bring it indoors during cold weather.
Due to its large growing size, Philodendron Hope is not recommended for vivariums or terrariums.
A very long time ago, science recognized two plants, Philodendron Selloum, and Philodendron Bipinnatifidum. It was discovered that these two plants are the same plant. The two were merged into one.
Common names
Scientific names are Philodendron Selloum and Philodendron Bipinnatifidum. The common name is Philodendron Hope.
How to grow Philodendron Selloum plant
The best site location
Because the Philodendron Bipinnatifidum plant will grow full and strong, make sure you prepare enough room and space to grow. Terraces, front door, bedroom, office, conference room, and balconies are the best place to be.
The plant is resistant to the wind. Where there is a neutral color scheme, I will bring a bright burst of color. Anywhere with plenty of light.
Light requirement
The plant prefers bright, indirect light such as near a south or north-facing window. Philodendron Hope is happy in a mild climate that is not too hot nor too cold. Not too bright and not too dark.
The right place would be in moderate light. It would be ideal for the plant in a diffused natural light. The plant also enjoys being in grow light in the moderate light setting.
The Philodendron Bipinnatifidum plant must receive bright light daily but do not hit the leaves with rays of sunlight.
In moderate light conditions, the Philodendron Hope will be healthy and thrive well. The plant has the ability to tolerate bright light but it will likely need extra care and needs fertilizing periodically.
The plant still can thrive in low light, but it has to be watered well. This will cause root rot. It is not recommended to place the plant in low light conditions.
Rotate or relocate the plant if the Philodendron Hope plant is placed in room corners, to get light.
Living indoors in a warm climate, the ideal controlled environment for this plant is about 77° F (25° C). Do not place the plant in close distance to air conditioning or heating vents. It is not recommended the plant receive cold or hot air blown.
Philodendron Selloum plant grows best in rich soil. Soil that is able to absorb and hold moisture. The soil should be slightly alkaline or slightly above 7 pH level.
The plant will not grow and thrive in high salt concentration in soil. Unfortunately, there is no soil improvement that can get rid of high concentrations of soil salts or soil salinity.
You can use chemical additives by leaching the soil. One better way for soil salt reduction is through good drainage. The salt level will be washed out of the soil.
Good drainage can help to reverse soil salinity.
Check and measure the pH level of the soil using soil test kits.
If the test result indicates acidic soil, you can increase soil alkalinity with compost or lime.
The compost is nearly neutral in pH. By raising organic content in the soil, moves the pH to neutral. If the soil is only slightly acidic, simply add compost.
If the pH is between 5 to 6, add between 8 to 3 pounds of compost for sandy soil. Add between 10 to 4 pounds for loamy soil. Add between 3 to 6 pounds for sandy soil.
You can also use Wood ash to raise pH. Apply Wood ash when the soil pH is low. Wood ash is not recommended for soil with a pH greater than 6.5. It is not recommended for soil with a very high potassium level.
You should relocate the Philodendron Selloum plant to a larger pot or container when the roots have filled the existing pot. The new container or pot should be only 1 inch to 2 inches wider and deeper than the previous one.
For outdoor usage, use clay pots that can provide a healthy environment for the plants. The porosity of clay allows moisture and air to succeed in forcing way into the sides of the pot.
Both matters are utilized by the roots located at the edge of the soil ball. Clay pots can wick away excess moisture from the potting soil.
If you decide to use a plastic pot, make sure the pot has drainage holes.
How to care for the Philodendron Hope plant
Remember that the plant is happy with a balance of moist and dry soil but not too soggy. When watering the Philodendron Selloum or Philodendron Hope plant, see if the soil surface is dry.
Watering the plant means to moisten the soil all the way through. Begin by watering the plant once every week. Measure the water by approximately 12 ounces or 354 ml per watering session. Use a measuring cup, spray bottle or watering can.
Gently pour water at the center of the plant. Let the water filters down the base. It would be a waste of time to water that runs down the outside of the root ball. This will make the central roots dry.
The right way to do it is to water very slow. Do not apply too much water at once. To have an effective watering slower is the right choice.
The most important thing is to make sure that the water gets to the plant’s root zone. It would be much better to dig a little hole into the soil. Use a dull knife and pour water inside the hole to make sure it goes down well.
you must check the moisture level by inserting your finger into the soil about 1 inch. If the soil feels moist, do not water the plant and try again in two or three days.
If the soil feels dry, you can water the plant. The soil must be moist but not soggy soil. Soggy soil will cause root rot. You can determine the best watering schedule for your light, temperature and moisture conditions after a few weeks of watering.
Fertilize the plant once a month or every 2 weeks during the growing season of spring to early fall. Use liquid diluted house plant fertilizer.
Do not apply too much plant food that causes an excess salt build-up in the soil.
Philodendron Hope leaves could drop as they grow. Pruning is the right way to remove these dead leaves. You can cut off the base of the leaf stem of the primary plant trunk. If the leaves are dense, the leaves should be cut off as close to the soil as possible.
Periodically cut off dried-up new leaf husks. Fungus gnat infestation could be avoided by clearing dry leaf material.
Philodendron Hope can grow something more like a tree. The trunk can be pruned if the plant grows higher.
You can also cut off the trailing air roots. If you feel the air roots become intrusive, you can cut them off.
The fluid that may come off from the cutting after pruning is considered poisonous. Be careful not to ingest the fluid.
Philodendron Hope plants are susceptible to be infested by aphids, mealybugs, scales, and spider mites. You must control these bugs to help maintain a healthy plant.
Generally, you can use low-toxic insecticidal sprays containing insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, neem oil or pyrethrins.
The safest and easiest way to kill those bugs and insects is by using Neem oil. It is organic and derived from the neem tree. Neem oil is safe on pets (like cats and dogs) and humans for use on indoor houseplant like the Philodendron Hope plants.
Just spray the Neem oil to the bugs or insect and it will kill them in a few minutes.
How to plant Philodendron Bipinnatifidum
Step 1
Mix 1 part coarse sand and 1 part peat moss. Blend them evenly. Fill them in a 3-inch plastic or terracotta pot or container.
Step 2
Try to soak water the rooting medium until excess water flows out of the drainage holes.
Step 3
Pick carefully the best Philodendron Hope stem with at least two nodes. After that cut it off the plant. Use a hand pruner and make sure it is clean and sharp.
Step 4
Stick the cutting in the soil at least 2 inches deep. make sure that you stick the bottom node below the surface. That is where roots will sprout from it.
Step 5
Water the cutting at planting. Keep the soil consistently moist to encourage root development.
Step 6
Cover the stem with a clear plastic bag to create a warm and moist environment. Set the pot in indirect sunlight.
Step 7
Gently dig the soil around the stem’s base for checking the roots once a week. If you notice roots from the new stem, relocate the new Philodendron Selloum.
Stick the new root to a 3-inch pot filled with potting mix. Or you should use a 5-inch pot or container when the roots outgrow the current planter.
If the roots become too long, transplant the Philodendron Hope to the ground. This may apply if the ground is in hardiness zones 10 to 12. The other way is to transplant to a bigger pot or container.
Frequently ask question
Should you mist Philodendron Hope?
Philodendron Hope plants are easy to grow plants and if you mist your plant, do that every day for the best result. You really do not have to mist the plants but it will help the plant to thrive. You can put the Philodendron Hope plant just about anywhere. The only place it does not like is in direct sunlight.
How often should you water a philodendron Selloum?
You should not have to water your Philodendron Hope more than once a week. If you see the topsoil is dry, this is the right time to water the plant.
Why are the leaves on my philodendron hope turning yellow?
Yellowing leaves on a philodendron hope are usually caused by the plant is getting too much water. When watering, Philodendron Hope the soil should be kept moist, but not too soggy. Do not let there be standing water. Let the soil become dry between watering.
How can I make my philodendron hope to grow faster?
In its original habitat, the philodendron hope is a fast grower. It can reach a height of up to 15 feet. The plant grows slower in cultivation. You can grow the plant faster by meeting its requirement for moist, shady location and watering it well.